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09 / 24 / 2024

Conceptualizing Sculpture....

“When you slow down enough to sculpt, you discover all kinds of things you never noticed before.” Karen Jobe

Creating sculptural jewelry is the culmination of all my artistic endeavors…though I realize this only in retrospect.  Dance is a series of sculptural movements…sometimes when watching a performance, especially with contemporary movement, this is all I see. Conceptualizing movement through space is second nature for me after my 20+ years as a dancer…
Architecture, my next artistic pursuit, is essentially a series of experiential moments in a space. Depending on one’s perspective and thinking about the effects of spatial proportion, light and texture…all affect how one travels through and experiences architecture.
“When you slow down enough to sculpt, you discover all kinds of things you never noticed before.” Karen Jobe
Image: Babara Hepworth, in her studio.